Dictionary 1. (v. t.) To make stupid; to make dull; to blunt the faculty of perception or understanding in; to deprive of sensibility; to make torpid.2. (v. t.) To deprive of material mobility. Thesaurus KO addle amaze anesthetize appall astonish astound awe awestrike bedaze bedazzle bemuse benumb besot bewilder blunt boggle bowl down bowl over chloroform coldcock confound daze dazzle deaden desensitize dope drug dull dumbfound dumbfounder etherize faze flabbergast freeze hebetate horrify kayo knock out knock senseless knock stiff knock unconscious lay out narcotize nonplus numb obtund overwhelm palsy paralyze perplex petrify put to sleep rattle scare stiff scare to death shock stagger startle strike dead strike dumb strike terror into strike with wonder stun surprise terrify |