◄ Stumble ►

1. (v. i.) To trip in walking or in moving in any way with the legs; to strike the foot so as to fall, or to endanger a fall; to stagger because of a false step.

2. (v. i.) To walk in an unsteady or clumsy manner.

3. (v. i.) To fall into a crime or an error; to err.

4. (v. i.) To strike or happen (upon a person or thing) without design; to fall or light by chance; -- with on, upon, or against.

5. (v. t.) To cause to stumble or trip.

6. (v. t.) Fig.: To mislead; to confound; to perplex; to cause to err or to fall.

7. (n.) A trip in walking or running.

8. (n.) A blunder; a failure; a fall from rectitude.

bad job balk barge be all thumbs bevue blunder blunder away blunder into blunder on blunder upon bobble boggle bonehead play boner boo-boo botch breakdown bumble bump bump into bungle butcher capsize careen career chance clump clumsy performance collapse come a cropper come across come up against comedown commit a gaffe crash cropper culbute deflation deviate discover dive downfall encounter err error etourderie fall fall down fall flat fall headlong fall into error fall over fall prostrate fall upon false move false step falter faux pas find flop flounce flounder flub fluff foozle forced landing fumble gag gaucherie get a cropper go amiss go astray go awry go wrong halt hash have two minds haw header hem hem and haw hesitate hit hit upon hum hum and haw inadvertence inadvertency jib labor lapse lapsus calami lapsus linguae light limp list loose thread luck lumber lurch mammer mar meet mess miscalculate miscue misstep mistake muck muddle muff murder nose dive off day omission oversight pause pitch pitch and plunge play havoc with plunge pose pratfall reel rock roll run across sad work scruple seethe shy slip slip up slipup smash snapper spill spoil sprawl spread-eagle stagger stammer stick stickle strain stray struggle stump stutter sway swing tailspin take a fall take a flop take a header take a pratfall take a spill thrash about tilt topple topple down topple over toss toss and tumble toss and turn totter trip tumble turn turtle volutation wallop wallow wander waver welter wobble wrong step


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