1. (p. p.) of Stave.

2. (v.) imp. of Stave.

3. (n.) A house or room artificially warmed or heated; a forcing house, or hothouse; a drying room; -- formerly, designating an artificially warmed dwelling or room, a parlor, or a bathroom, but now restricted, in this sense, to heated houses or rooms used for horticultural purposes or in the processes of the arts.

4. (n.) An apparatus, consisting essentially of a receptacle for fuel, made of iron, brick, stone, or tiles, and variously constructed, in which fire is made or kept for warming a room or a house, or for culinary or other purposes.

5. (v. t.) To keep warm, in a house or room, by artificial heat; as, to stove orange trees.

6. (v. t.) To heat or dry, as in a stove; as, to stove feathers.

Seger cone acid kiln blast furnace boiler bottle-gas stove brickkiln burner butane stove calefactor caliduct cement kiln coal furnace coal stove cook stove cooker cookery element enamel kiln furnace gas jet gas stove heater heating duct jet kiln kitchener limekiln muffle kiln oven pilot light pyrometer pyrometric cone range reverberatory reverberatory kiln salamander salamander stove smelter steam pipe tewel tuyere warmer


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