1. (adv.) Motionless; at rest; quiet; as, to stand still; to lie or sit still.

2. (adv.) Uttering no sound; silent; as, the audience is still; the animals are still.

3. (adv.) Not disturbed by noise or agitation; quiet; calm; as, a still evening; a still atmosphere.

4. (adv.) Comparatively quiet or silent; soft; gentle; low.

5. (adv.) Constant; continual.

6. (adv.) Not effervescing; not sparkling; as, still wines.

7. (n.) Freedom from noise; calm; silence; as, the still of midnight.

8. (n.) A steep hill or ascent.

9. (v.) To this time; until and during the time now present; now no less than before; yet.

10. (a.) In the future as now and before.

11. (a.) In continuation by successive or repeated acts; always; ever; constantly; uniformly.

12. (a.) In an increasing or additional degree; even more; -- much used with comparatives.

13. (a.) Notwithstanding what has been said or done; in spite of what has occurred; nevertheless; -- sometimes used as a conjunction. See Synonym of But.

14. (a.) After that; after what is stated.

15. (v.) To stop, as motion or agitation; to cause to become quiet, or comparatively quiet; to check the agitation of; as, to still the raging sea.

16. (v.) To stop, as noise; to silence.

17. (v.) To appease; to calm; to quiet, as tumult, agitation, or excitement; as, to still the passions.

18. (n.) A vessel, boiler, or copper used in the distillation of liquids; specifically, one used for the distillation of alcoholic liquors; a retort. The name is sometimes applied to the whole apparatus used in vaporization and condensation.

19. (n.) A house where liquors are distilled; a distillery.

20. (v. t.) To cause to fall by drops.

21. (v. t.) To expel spirit from by heat, or to evaporate and condense in a refrigerator; to distill.

22. (v. i.) To drop, or flow in drops; to distill.

Telephoto Wirephoto additionally aerial photograph aerosol after all again albeit all the same allay alleviate along already although appease as well as yet asleep asleep in Jesus assuage at a standstill at all events at anchor at any rate at rest atomizer awful silence balm becalm bereft of life besides black-and-white photograph bottling works breathless brewery but by this time called home calm calm down calmly candid photograph carrion cheesecake choke choke off chronophotograph cloistered color photograph color print compose cool cradle croaked dead dead and gone dead of night dead-still death-struck deathlike deathlike silence deathly deceased defunct demised departed departed this life destitute of life diapositive distiller distillery done for dulcify dumbfound dwindling ease ebbing echoless evaporator even even now even out even so even-tenored exanimate fallen finished fixed flat food for worms for all that furthermore gag gentle golden silence gone gone to glory gone west halcyon heliochrome heliograph heretofore hereunto howbeit however hush hush as death hush of night hush-hush hushed idle immobile immotive impassive in addition in any case in any event inanimate inaudibility inaudible inert isolated just the same late late lamented launched into eternity lifeless likewise lucid stillness lull martyred moldering mollify montage more moreover motionless motionlessly mousy moveless muffle mug mug shot mum muzzle nevertheless no more noiseless noiselessness nonetheless notwithstanding out of commission pacific pacify passed on peace peaceable peaceful peacefully peacefulness photo photobiography photochronograph photograph photomap photomicrograph photomontage photomural picture pinup placid placidly portrait pour balm into pushing up daisies put to silence quell quiescence quiescent quiescently quiet quieten quietly quietness quietude rather released relieve reposeful reposing rest restful resting resting easy retort riding at anchor rock rock to sleep sainted secluded sequestered sequestrated serene settle sheltered shot shush shut down on shut up silence silent silently silentness sleeping slide smitten with death smooth smooth down smooth over smoothen smoothly snap snapshot so far soft-pedal solemn silence soothe soundless soundlessness spray squash squelch stabilize static stationary statuelike steady stifle still as death still more still photograph stillborn stillish stillness stilly stock-still stoic stolid strike dumb subaudible subdue subsiding suppress tacitness


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