1. (n.) The elastic, aeriform fluid into which water is converted when heated to the boiling points; water in the state of vapor.

2. (n.) The mist formed by condensed vapor; visible vapor; -- so called in popular usage.

3. (n.) Any exhalation.

4. (v. i.) To emit steam or vapor.

5. (v. i.) To rise in vapor; to issue, or pass off, as vapor.

6. (v. i.) To move or travel by the agency of steam.

7. (v. i.) To generate steam; as, the boiler steams well.

8. (v. t.) To exhale.

9. (v. t.) To expose to the action of steam; to apply steam to for softening, dressing, or preparing; as, to steam wood; to steamcloth; to steam food, etc.

Old Faithful aerate aerify afterdamp agua amperage aqua armipotence atomize authority bake barbecue baste be in heat beef black power blackdamp blanch blaze bloom blow boat boil boiling water braise breath breathe out brew broil brown brute force burn canoe carbonate carry sail chafe charge charisma chlorinate choke chokedamp circumnavigate cloud clout coast coddle cogence cogency combust compulsion cook cross cruise curry damp devil dint distill do do to perfection drinking water drive duress eau effect effectiveness effectuality effluvium electric-heat emit energy etherify etherize evacuate evaporate exhalation exhale exhaust expire fetid air fire fire up firedamp flame flame up flare flare up flatus flicker flower power fluid fluidize flush foment force force majeure forcefulness fractionate fricassee frizz frizzle fry full blast full force fume fumigate gas-heat gasify gasp geyser give off give out give vent to glow go by ship go on shipboard go to sea griddle grill ground water hard water head heat heavy water hot hot spring hot up hot water hot-air-heat hot-water-heat hydrogenate hydrol hydrometeor hydrosphere incandesce influence let out limewater main force main strength make a passage malaria mana mephitis miasma might might and main mightiness mineral water motorboat moxie mull muscle muscle power navigate open the floodgates open the sluices oven-bake overheat oxygenate pan pan-broil pant parboil parch perfume pizzazz ply poach poop potence potency potentiality power power pack power structure power struggle powerfulness preheat prepare prepare food prepotency productiveness productivity puff puff of smoke puissance pull punch push radiate heat rain rainwater recook reek reheat roast row run sail sail round sail the sea salt water saute scald scallop scorch scull sea water seafare sear seethe send out shimmer with heat shirr simmer sinew smoke smolder smother smudge soft water spark spray spring water steamboat stew stifle stir-fry stoke up strength strong arm sublimate sublime suffocate superheat superiority superpower sweat swelter take a voyage tepefy thermae throw off toast traverse validity vapor vaporize vehemence vigor vim virility virtue


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