1. (
n.) Firm in standing or position; not tottering or shaking; fixed; firm.
2. (n.) Constant in feeling, purpose, or pursuit; not fickle, changeable, or wavering; not easily moved or persuaded to alter a purpose; resolute; as, a man steady in his principles, in his purpose, or in the pursuit of an object.
3. (n.) Regular; constant; undeviating; uniform; as, the steady course of the sun; a steady breeze of wind.
4. (v. t.) To make steady; to hold or keep from shaking, reeling, or falling; to make or keep firm; to support; to make constant, regular, or resolute.
5. (v. i.) To become steady; to regain a steady position or state; to move steadily.
abiding accordant adamantine ageless alike alternate appease ardent arranged articulated assiduous automatic balance balanced ballast beating beau beloved bovine boyfriend brace bulky businesslike calculable calm calm down captive catch catenated ceaseless certain changeless chattering circling civilized coeternal compose concatenated confirmed connected conquest consistent consonant constant continual continued continuing continuous controlled cool coolheaded coquette correspondent counterbalance cradle customer cyclic cyclical date dateless dense dependable devoted dignified diligent direct dispassionate dogged down-to-earth dulcify dull durable ease endless enduring epochal equable equal eternal eterne even even out even-tempered ever-being ever-durable ever-during everlasting everliving every other fail-safe faithful faithworthy fast featureless fiducial firm firm as Gibraltar firm up firmly fixed flame flat flinty flirt formal freeze frequenter gal gapless gentle guaranteed guy habitual habitue hard harmless harmonious hold hold fast homogeneous honey hush immediate immemorial immobilize immovable immutable impassive imperturbable in equilibrium in hand inalterable inamorata inamorato incessant indefatigable indestructible indomitable industrious inexcitable infinite inflexible inirritable insistent interminable intermittent invariable inveterate invincible invulnerable isochronal joined jointless keep ladylove lasting level level-headed liege linked long-standing lover loyal lull machine gun man marble-constant massive measured mechanical methodic methodical metronomic mollify monolithic monotonous nail down nerveless never-ceasing never-ending never-failing never-tiring nonstop nonterminating nonterminous normal obstinate of a piece olamic ordered orderly oscillating oscillatory pacify patient patient as Job perdurable perennial periodic periodical permanent perpetual perseverant persevering persistent persisting pertinacious pin down plodding plugging poise poised pour balm into predictable preoccupied pulsating pulsing quell quiet rapid rapt reciprocal recurrent recurring regular relaxed relentless reliable remaining repeated repetitive resolute rest retain rhythmic riskless robotlike rock rock to sleep rock-steady rotary round-the-clock routine rugged running seamless seasonal secure sedate sedulous sempiternal sensible serial serious