◄ Standpipe ►

1. (n.) A vertical pipe, open at the top, between a hydrant and a reservoir, to equalize the flow of water; also, a large vertical pipe, near a pumping engine, into which water is forced up, so as to give it sufficient head to rise to the required level at a distance.

2. (n.) A supply pipe of sufficient elevation to enable the water to flow into the boiler, notwithstanding the pressure of the steam.

adjutage antenna tower barbican belfry bell tower campanile catheter colossus column cupola derrick dome drainpipe efflux tube fire hose fire tower flue pipe funnel garden hose gas pipe hose hosepipe lantern lighthouse martello martello tower mast minaret monument nipple obelisk observation tower organ pipe pagoda pilaster pillar pinnacle pipe pipeline pipette piping pole pylon pyramid reed reed pipe shaft siamese siamese connection siphon skyscraper snorkel soil pipe spire steam pipe steeple stem straw stupa tap television mast tope tour tower tube tubing tubulation tubule tubulet tubulure turret waste pipe water pipe water tower windmill tower


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