◄ Stableness ►

(n.) The quality or state of being stable, or firmly established; stability.

Easy Street aegis affluence aplomb armament armor arrogance aspiration assumption assurance assured faith assuredness asylum authenticity authoritativeness bail balance balanced personality bamboo curtain barrier of secrecy bed of roses belief blackout bond calculability care censorship certainty certification certitude cheerful expectation clear sailing clover cocksureness collateral comfort confidence confidentness constancy conviction cool courage curtain custodianship custody dependability dependence deposit desire doomed hope earnest ease easy circumstances equilibrium expectation fair prospect faith faithworthiness fastness felicity fervent hope firmness fleshpots gage good cheer good hope gracious life gracious living great expectations guarantee guaranty guard guarding happiness harmlessness high hopes homeostasis hope hopeful prognosis hopefulness hopes hoping hoping against hope hubris hush-up immunity imperturbability insurance invariability invincibility invulnerability iron curtain ironbound security lap of luxury life of ease loaves and fishes luxury nerve oath of secrecy official secrecy overconfidence oversureness overweening overweeningness pall pawn pledge poise pomposity positiveness prayerful hope predictability presumption pride promise prospect prospects prosperity prosperousness protection refuge reliability reliance repression risklessness rootedness safeguard safeguarding safeness safety sanctuary sang-froid sanguine expectation seal of secrecy secureness self-assurance self-confidence self-importance self-reliance settled belief shelter shield smothering solidity soundness stability stable equilibrium stable state stableness staunchness steadfastness steadiness steady nerves steady state stifling strength subjective certainty substantiality success suppression sureness surety surveillance the affluent life the good life thriving condition token trust trustworthiness undeflectability unerringness uniformity unshakable nerves unshakableness upward mobility validity veil veil of secrecy velvet ward warrant warranty weal wealth welfare well-being well-grounded hope wraps


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