1. (n.) A little pipe, or hollow cylinder of paper, filled with powder or combustible matter, to be thrown into the air while burning, so as to burst there with a crack.

2. (n.) A kind of slow match or safety fuse.

3. (n.) A sarcastic speech or publication; a petty lampoon; a brief, witty essay.

4. (n.) A writer of lampoons.

5. (n.) A paltry fellow.

6. (v. i.) To throw squibs; to utter sarcastic or severe reflections; to contend in petty dispute; as, to squib a little debate.

Atticism agile wit black humor blasting cap burlesque cap caricature comedy detonating powder detonator dry wit electric detonator esprit exploder farce fulminating mercury fuse hatchet job humor imitation irony lampoon malicious parody mercury fulminate mockery nimble wit parody pasquil pasquin pasquinade pastiche percussion cap pleasantry poison pen pretty wit primacord primer priming quick wit ready wit salt sarcasm satire savor of wit slapstick slapstick humor subtle wit takeoff travesty visual humor wicked imitation wit


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