◄ Sputter ►

1. (v. i.) To spit, or to emit saliva from the mouth in small, scattered portions, as in rapid speaking.

2. (v. i.) To utter words hastily and indistinctly; to speak so rapidly as to emit saliva.

3. (v. i.) To throw out anything, as little jets of steam, with a noise like that made by one sputtering.

4. (v. t.) To spit out hastily by quick, successive efforts, with a spluttering sound; to utter hastily and confusedly, without control over the organs of speech.

5. (n.) Moist matter thrown out in small detached particles; also, confused and hasty speech.

assibilate assibilation barrage beat beat a ruffle beat a tattoo beating bicker blubber bluff bluster bluster and bluff blustering boastfulness bounce brag bravado bully bullying bustle buzz crackle dance drone drum drum music drumbeat drumfire drumming effervesce effervescence effervescing ejaculate eject fanfaronade fizz fizzle fizzling flap flick flicker flip flit flitter flop flurry fluster flutter frication frictional rustling fuss gabble gasconade gibber go pitapat gutter heckle hector hectoring hiss hissing hush hushing intimidate intimidation jabber lisp maunder mouth mumble murmur mutter out-herod Herod palpitate palpitation paradiddle patter pitapat pitter-patter pop pound pounding pulsate pulsation pulse quiver rage rant rat-a-tat rat-tat rat-tat-tat rataplan rattattoo rave rhonchus rip out rodomontade roister roll rollick rub-a-dub ruff ruffle shake shush shushing sibilance sibilate sibilation side siffle sigmatism siss sissing sizz sizzle sizzling slang slat sneeze sneezing sniff sniffle snore snort snuff snuffle sob sound a tattoo spatter speak incoherently spit splatter splutter squash squelch squish staccato sternutation susurrate swagger swashbuckle swashbucklery swish tat-tat tattoo throb throbbing throw out thrum thump thumping tom-tom vapor wave waver wheeze whish whisper whistle whistling white noise whiz whoosh zip


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