1. (n.) A sparrow.

2. (n.) A tern.

3. (n.) An implement secured to the heel, or above the heel, of a horseman, to urge the horse by its pressure. Modern spurs have a small wheel, or rowel, with short points. Spurs were the badge of knighthood.

4. (n.) That which goads to action; an incitement.

5. (n.) Something that projects; a snag.

6. (n.) One of the large or principal roots of a tree.

7. (n.) Any stiff, sharp spine, as on the wings and legs of certain birds, on the legs of insects, etc.; especially, the spine on a cock's leg.

8. (n.) A mountain that shoots from any other mountain, or range of mountains, and extends to some distance in a lateral direction, or at right angles.

9. (n.) A spiked iron worn by seamen upon the bottom of the boot, to enable them to stand upon the carcass of a whale, to strip off the blubber.

10. (n.) A brace strengthening a post and some connected part, as a rafter or crossbeam; a strut.

11. (n.) The short wooden buttress of a post.

12. (n.) A projection from the round base of a column, occupying the angle of a square plinth upon which the base rests, or bringing the bottom bed of the base to a nearly square form. It is generally carved in leafage.

13. (n.) Any projecting appendage of a flower looking like a spur.

14. (n.) Ergotized rye or other grain.

15. (n.) A wall that crosses a part of a rampart and joins to an inner wall.

16. (n.) A piece of timber fixed on the bilge ways before launching, having the upper ends bolted to the vessel's side.

17. (n.) A curved piece of timber serving as a half to support the deck where a whole beam can not be placed.

18. (v. t.) To prick with spurs; to incite to a more hasty pace; to urge or goad; as, to spur a horse.

19. (v. t.) To urge or encourage to action, or to a more vigorous pursuit of an object; to incite; to stimulate; to instigate; to impel; to drive.

20. (v. t.) To put spurs on; as, a spurred boot.

21. (v. i.) To spur on one' horse; to travel with great expedition; to hasten; hence, to press forward in any pursuit.

American Art Nouveau Ashcan school Barbizon Bauhaus Bolognese British Cobra Dadaism Dutch Fauvism Flemish Fontainebleau French Gothicism Italian Italian hand Mannerist Milanese Modenese Momentum Neapolitan New York Paduan Parisian Phases Pre-Raphaelite Raphaelite Reflex Restany Roman Scottish Sienese Spur Suprematism The Ten Tuscan Umbrian Venetian Washington abstract expressionism abstractionism academic discipline academic specialty action painting acuteness address adroitness alphabet applied science area arena art nouveau art schools artful dodge artfulness artifice artistic skill artistry arty-craftiness astuteness baroque blind blueprint business cageyness callidity calling canniness capability career career building careerism charactering characterization chart chicanery choreography classicalism classicism cleverness cloisonnism competence conceptual art concern conspiracy constructivism contrivance conventional representation conventionalism coup craft craftiness cubism cunning cunningness cute trick dance notation deceit delineation demonstration department of knowledge depiction depictment design device dexterity diagram discipline dodge domain drama drawing earth art eclectic elementarism exemplification existentialism expedient expertise expressionism fakement feel feint fetch field field of inquiry field of study figuration fine Italian hand finesse flair foxiness free abstraction futurism gambit game gamesmanship gimmick grift groups guile hallucinatory painting handicraft handiness hang hieroglyphic iconography idealism ideogram illustration imagery imaging impressionism ingeniousness insidiousness intimism intrigue intuitionism inventiveness jugglery kinetic art knack knavery know-how letter lifework limning line line of business line of work linear chromatism little game logogram logograph maneuver map matter painting mechanics mechanism method metier minimal art mission modernism move musical notation mystery mysticism natural science naturalism neoclassicism neoconcrete art neoconstructivism nonobjectivism notation nuagism number occupation ology one-upmanship op art photomontage pictogram picturization plan plein-air plot ploy poetic realism poetic tachism pointillism portraiture portrayal postexpressionism practice prefigurement preimpressionism presentment primitivism printing profession proficiency projection province pure science purism pursuit quietistic painting racket readiness realism realization red herring rendering rendition representation representationalism representationism resourcefulness romanticism ruse satanic cunning savvy schema scheme science score script sharpness shift shiftiness shrewdness skill


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