Dictionary 1. ( a.) Impulsive; extemporaneous; proceeding from natural feeling\, temperament, or disposition, or from a native internal proneness, readiness, or tendency, without constraint; as, a spontaneous gift or proportion. 2. (a.) Proceeding from, or acting by, internal impulse, energy, or natural law, without external force; as, spontaneous motion; spontaneous growth. 3. (a.) Produced without being planted, or without human labor; as, a spontaneous growth of wood.
Thesaurus ad lib arbitrary automated automatic automatous autonomous bat baton billy billy club bludgeon casual club cybernated discretional discretionary elective extemporaneous extempore free free will gratuitous gut ill-advised ill-considered ill-devised immediate impetuous impromptu improvised impulsive inadvertent indeliberate independent inherent innate instinctive instinctual involuntary libidinal mace mechanical natural nightstick nonmandatory off the cuff offered offhand optional proffered reflex reflexive self-acting self-active self-adjusting self-closing self-controlled self-cooking self-determined self-determining self-directed self-directing self-dumping self-governed self-governing self-lighting self-operative self-regulative self-starting self-winding self-working semiautomatic simple snap spontoon spur-of-the-moment subliminal truncheon unadvised unannounced unasked unbesought unbidden uncalculated uncalled-for uncoerced uncompelled unconscious unconsidered unconstrained undeliberate undeliberated undesigned unforced unguarded uninfluenced unintended unintentional uninvited unlearned unmeditated unplanned unpremeditated unprepared unpressured unprompted unrehearsed unrequested unrequired unsolicited unsophisticated unsought unstudied unthinking unwilled unwitting voluntary volunteer willful |