◄ Sordellina ►

Indian file accompaniment alliteration alto array articulation assonance bagpipe bagpipes bank baritone bass basso continuo basso ostinato bassus bee beggar birr blubber bombilate bombinate boom bourdon bum bumble bumblebee bummer burden burr buzz cadger canto cantus cantus figuratus cantus planus catena catenation chain chain reaction chaining chanter chest voice chime clockwork regularity coloratura concatenation connection consecution constancy continue the same continuo continuum contralto cornemuse coupon clippers course cycle daily round dawdle dawdler descant descent dingdong doodlesack drag along drag on drone bass droning endless belt endless round even pace even tenor falsetto figured bass file filiation foot-dragger freeloader gabble gamut gibber gibbering goldbrick goof-off gradation ground bass harping head voice honeybee hornet hum humdrum idle rich invariability jabber jibber jingle jingle-jangle laggard lallygag laze leisure class lie-abed line lineage lingerer loaf loiter loiterer loll lounge lounge lizard lumpen proletariat maunder maundering mendicant monologue monotone monotonousness monotony moocher mouth mouthing mumble mumbling murmur murmuring musette mutter muttering near rhyme nexus nonworker orderliness panhandler parasite part pendulum periodicity persist pipes pitter-patter plain chant plain song plenum plodder powder train prevail prick song procrastinator progression purr queen queen bee queue range rank recurrence regularity rentiers repeated sounds repetitiousness repetitiveness reticulation rhyme rotation round routine row run run through sameliness sameness scale sequence series single file singsong slant rhyme sleepyhead slow goer slow-foot slowbelly slowpoke slug sluggard smoothness snail sob soprano sordellina speak incoherently spectrum spiv splutter sponger sputter stale repetition stick-in-the-mud string strum succession susurrate susurration swath tedium tenor the unemployable the unemployed thorough bass thread thrum tier tortoise train treadmill treble trot undersong undeviation undifferentiation union pipes unnecessary repetition unvariation voce voce di petto voce di testa voice voice part wasp whir whisper whispering whiz windrow worker yellow jacket


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