Dictionary 1. ( n.) A black substance formed by combustion, or disengaged from fuel in the process of combustion, which rises in fine particles, and adheres to the sides of the chimney or pipe conveying the smoke; strictly, the fine powder, consisting chiefly of carbon, which colors smoke, and which is the result of imperfect combustion. See Smoke. 2. (v. t.) To cover or dress with soot; to smut with, or as with, soot; as, to soot land. 3. (a.) Alt. of Soote.
Thesaurus air pollution alluvion alluvium ash ashes attritus bedarken begrime bemire bemud besmirch besmoke black blacken blackening blacking blackwash blot blotch bran brand burnt cork calx carbon carbon black charcoal cinder clinker coal coke coom cork cosmic dust crow crumb crumble darken denigrate deposition deposits diluvium dinge dirt dirty dirty up draff dregs dross dust dust ball ebon ebonize ebony efflorescence ember fallout farina feces filings flour froth fume gas black grime grits groats grounds ink jet kittens lampblack lava lees lint loess meal melanize mire moraine muck muck up mud muddy murk night nigrify offscum oversmoke pitch powder precipitate precipitation pussies raspings raven reek sawdust scoria scum sediment settlings shade shadow silt sinter slag slime sloe smirch smoke smudge smut smutch stove black sublimate sullage tar |