Dictionary ( n.) The tenets or doctrines of Faustus Socinus, an Italian theologian of the sixteenth century, who denied the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the personality of the Devil, the native and total depravity of man, the vicarious atonement, and the eternity of future punishment. His theory was, that Christ was a man divinely commissioned, who had no existence before he was conceived by the Virgin Mary; that human sin was the imitation of Adam's sin, and that human salvation was the imitation and adoption of Christ's virtue; that the Bible was to be interpreted by human reason; and that its language was metaphorical, and not to be taken literally. Thesaurus Amish Anglicanism Anglo-Catholicism Arianism Athanasianism Boehmenism Calvinism Catholicism Christian Science Confucianism Congregationalism Conservative Judaism Eleusinianism Episcopalianism Erastianism Ethical Culture Gnosticism Hinduism Judaism Lamaism Laudianism Laudism Lingayat Hinduism Magianism Mahayana Buddhism Mandaeism Methodism Mithraism Muhammadanism New Thought Orthodox Christianity Orthodox Judaism Oxford Movement Parsiism Parsism Practical Christianity Puritanism Quakerism Reform Judaism Roman Catholicism Rosicrucianism Sabaeanism Salvation Army Shiite Muslimism Shin Buddhism Shingon Buddhism Shinto Shintoism Sikhism Socinianism Sufism Taoism Tendai Buddhism Theosophy Ubiquitarianism Uniatism Unitarianism Vaishnavite Hinduism Vajrayana Buddhism Vedanta Wahabiism Yoga Yogism Zen Zen Buddhism Zoroastrianism adherents affiliation allocation antinomianism appellation appellative assignment attribution baptism binomen binomial name blood body branch brand breed byword calling cast character characterization christening church clan class classification classifying cognomen color communion community confession connection creed cryptonym cult definition denotation description designation determination differentiation disciples disclosure division empty title epithet eponym euonym expression faction faith feather fellowship fingering fixing followers form genre genus grade grain group gymnosophy handle hint homoiousianism honorific hyponym identification identifying ilk indication indicativeness ism kidney kin kind label latitudinarianism line lot make manifestation manner mark meaning mold moniker name namesake naming nature nicknaming nomen nomen nudum number offshoot order organization party persuasion phylum picking out pinning down pointing pointing out pointing to precision proper name proper noun quietism race religious order schism school scientific name secret name sect sectarism segment selection shape show showing signification size society sort species specification stamp stipulation strain stripe style styling suggestion symptomaticness tag tagging tautonym term terming the like of the likes of title tribe trinomen trinomial name type unit value variety version |