1. (
v. t.) To soil; to sully; to contaminate; to disgrace.
2. (v. t.) To disparage; to traduce.
3. (v. t.) To cover over; to disguise; to conceal; to pass over lightly or with little notice.
4. (v. t.) To cheat, as by sliding a die; to trick.
5. (v. t.) To pronounce indistinctly; as, to slur syllables.
6. (v. t.) To sing or perform in a smooth, gliding style; to connect smoothly in performing, as several notes or tones.
7. (v. t.) To blur or double, as an impression from type; to mackle.
8. (n.) A mark or stain; hence, a slight reproach or disgrace; a stigma; a reproachful intimation; an innuendo.
9. (n.) A trick played upon a person; an imposition.
10. (n.) A mark, thus [/ or /], connecting notes that are to be sung to the same syllable, or made in one continued breath of a wind instrument, or with one stroke of a bow; a tie; a sign of legato.
11. (n.) In knitting machines, a contrivance for depressing the sinkers successively by passing over them.
accent accent mark affront asperse aspersion attaint bad-mouth badge of infamy bar bar sinister baton bedaub befoul bend sinister besmear besmirch besmoke bespatter bestain black eye black mark blacken blink blot blow upon blur brand broad arrow calumniate calumny cancel cantando carefully ignore cast aspersions on cast reflections on censure champain character cold-shoulder custos cut a corner cut corners darken daub defame defile demilegato denigrate dip into direct dirty disapprove discolor discredit disparage disparagement disregard dodge dot examine cursorily execution expose expose to infamy expression expression mark fermata fingering fudge garble gibbet give the once-over glance at glissando gloss over hang in effigy hold ignore imputation innuendo insinuation insult intonation key signature lead legato libel ligature lisp malign mark mark of Cain measure metronomic mark mezzo staccato mumble music-making notation obloquy odium onus page through parlando pass over pass over lightly pause performance personal remark personality pianism pillory pillorying pizzicato point champain presa put-down reflection rendering rendition repercussion reprimand reproach rubato scamp scan scorch sear segno sign signature singe skid skim skim over skim the surface skimp skip over slam slander slidder slight slip slip through slubber slubber over slur over sly suggestion smear smirch smoke smudge smutch soil spiccato spot staccato stain stigma stigmatism stigmatization stigmatize stricture stutter suggestion sully swell symbol taint tarnish tear down tempo mark thumb through tie time signature touch touch upon touch upon lightly traduce uncomplimentary remark vilify vinculum whispering campaign zip through