Dictionary 1. ( v.) imp. of Sling Slung. 2. (n.) Any long, narrow piece of land; a promontory. 3. (n.) A fetter worn on the leg by a convict. 4. (n.) Low, vulgar, unauthorized language; a popular but unauthorized word, phrase, or mode of expression; also, the jargon of some particular calling or class in society; low popular cant; as, the slang of the theater, of college, of sailors, etc. 5. (v. t.) To address with slang or ribaldry; to insult with vulgar language. 6. (p. p.) of Sling
Thesaurus Aesopian language Babel Greek argot babble barbarism bluff bluster bluster and bluff bounce brag bully cant cipher code colloquialism common speech corruption cryptogram double Dutch garble gasconade gibberish gift of tongues glossolalia gobbledygook hector illiterate speech impropriety intimidate jargon jargonal jargonish jumble lingo localism mumbo jumbo noise out-herod Herod patois patter phraseology rage rant rave roister rollick scatological scatology scramble secret language slangy splutter sputter storm substandard language swagger swashbuckle taboo taboo language taboo word vapor vernacular vocabulary vulgar language vulgar tongue vulgarism vulgate |