Dictionary 1. ( n.) One who settles, becomes fixed, established, etc. 2. (n.) Especially, one who establishes himself in a new region or a colony; a colonist; a planter; as, the first settlers of New England. 3. (n.) That which settles or finishes; hence, a blow, etc., which settles or decides a contest. 4. (n.) A vessel, as a tub, in which something, as pulverized ore suspended in a liquid, is allowed to settle.
Thesaurus KO Maecenas Santa Claus almoner almsgiver angel arrival arriviste assignor awarder backer bestower cheerful giver clincher colonial colonist colonizer comer conclusive argument conferrer consignor contributor crusher death stroke deathblow donator donor emigrant end-all ender entrant fairy godmother feoffor final stroke financer finisher finishing stroke floorer frontiersman funder gate-crasher giver grantor greenhorn homesteader immigrant imparter in-migrant incomer intruder kayo kayo punch knockdown argument knockout knockout blow lady bountiful last dab nester new arrival new boy newcomer novus homo parvenu patron patroness philanthropist pioneer planter precursor presenter quietus recruit rookie sockdolager sooner squatter stopper stowaway subscriber sugar daddy supporter tenderfoot testate testator testatrix upstart visitant visitor vouchsafer |