Dictionary 1. ( p. pr. & vb. n.) of Set. 2. (n.) The act of one who, or that which, sets; as, the setting of type, or of gems; the setting of the sun; the setting (hardening) of moist plaster of Paris; the setting (set) of a current. 3. (n.) The act of marking the position of game, as a setter does; also, hunting with a setter. 4. (n.) Something set in, or inserted. 5. (n.) That in which something, as a gem, is set; as, the gold setting of a jeweled pin.
Thesaurus Intertype Linotype Monotype adaptation agora amphitheater arena arrangement arteriosclerosis atherosclerosis athletic field auditorium back backdrop background background detail backing bear garden bearing bowl boxing ring broadcast broadcasting bull ring bushing calcification callusing campus canvas case hardening chassis circus clabbering clotting coagulation cockpit cold-type typesetting coliseum collapsing colosseum composing composing stick composition computerized typesetting concretion congealment congelation context cornification course crystallization curdling deciduous declining declivitous decorative composition decorative style decurrent descendant descending design detail dissemination distance down down-reaching downcoming downfalling downgoing downhill downsinking downward drooping dropping dummy environment environs falling field figure firming floor foil foreground detail form forum fossilization frame furniture galley chase gelatination gelatinization gelling granulation ground gym gymnasium habitat hall hardening harmonization hinterland hippodrome home hornification hot-metal typesetting imposition induration infrastructure insemination inspissation instrumentation intonation jellification jelling jellying justification lapidification layout line of type lists lithification locale location marketplace mat milieu mise-en-scene modulation motif mount mounting national style on the descendant on the downgrade open forum orchestration ornamental motif ossification palaestra parade ground pattern period style petrifaction petrification photocomposition photosetting phototypesetter phototypesetting machine phrasing pit place placement planting platform plummeting plunging precinct preparation prize ring public square purlieu quoin range rear reforestation repeated figure resetting resolution retimbering ring sagging scene scene of action scenery sclerosis seeding semination set sinking site skeleton slug solidification solution sowing sphere squared circle stadium stage stage set stage setting steeling stiffening style submerging subsiding surroundings suspension tempering terrain theater theme thickening tilting ground tiltyard tone painting tottering touch toughening transcription transplantation tumbledown typesetting typesetting machine underframe vitrifaction vitrification walk wrestling ring |