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American plan European plan Mass a la carte accommodation account acquiescence act of grace act of kindness action active service activities activity advantage advice affair affairs agency aid air force allegiance amenities antepast applicability appointment appropriateness arm armed forces army assignment assistance attendance avail baccalaureate service bag ball be intimate bedtime prayer behalf behoof benefaction benefit benevolence benignity berth billet blessing bowl branch business busywork camp meeting care cast celebration ceremonial ceremony change of pace change-up chare charge checking chore chuck chunk church church service cobble cohabit combat come together comfort commencement commerce commission commit adultery compliance compline concern concernment condition conformity convenience convocation copulate couple course courtesy couvert cover cover charge curve darn dessert device devotions diddle dish dispensation divine service do up doctor downcurve duteousness dutifulness duty ease employ employment empty formality engagement enterprise entree entremets errand evening devotions evensong exercise exercises expedient faith fastball favor fealty fighting fish to fry fitness fix fix up fling flip form form of worship formal formality formula formulary fornicate forward pass frig function gear gig going between good deed good offices good turn grace graduation graduation exercises handling have sex have sexual relations heave help helping holy rite homage homework hurl inaugural inauguration incumbency incurve indulgence inferiority initiation institution instrumentality interest intermediation job job of work juniority kind deed kind offices kindly act kindness knuckleball labor labor of love lateral lateral pass lauds lay lie with liturgy lob lookout lower status loyalty machinery maintenance make it with make love make out make-work marines mate matins matter matters in hand mechanism mediation meeting mend mending mercy military ministration ministry mission mitzvah mode of worship moonlighting morning devotions mount mummery mystery national service navy night song none nones novena obedience obediency obligation observance occupation odd job office offices opening order of worship ordinance ordinary outcurve overhaul pass patch patch up peg peonage percentage performance piece of work pitch place plate point portion position post


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