Dictionary 1. ( a.) Devoted to the pleasures of sense and appetite\; luxurious; voluptuous; lewd; libidinous. 2. (a.) Pertaining to, consisting in, or affecting, the sense, or bodily organs of perception; relating to, or concerning, the body, in distinction from the spirit. 3. (a.) Hence, not spiritual or intellectual; carnal; fleshly; pertaining to, or consisting in, the gratification of the senses, or the indulgence of appetites; worldly. 4. (a.) Pertaining or peculiar to the philosophical doctrine of sensualism.
Thesaurus Cyprian Cyrenaic abandoned amorous animal aphrodisiomaniacal appetitive banausic bawdy bent on pleasure bodily carnal clitoromaniacal concupiscent debauched dirty dissipated dissolute earthy epicurean erogenic erogenous erotic eroticomaniacal erotogenic erotomaniacal fleshly gamic goatish gynecomaniacal hedonistic heterosexual hircine horny hot hysteromaniacal irreligious ithyphallic lascivious lecherous lewd libidinal libidinous licentious lickerish loose lubricious lubricous luscious lush lustful luxurious luxury-loving mundane nuptial nymphomaniacal obscene oversexed physical pleasure-bent pleasure-seeking potent priapic procreative profligate prurient rakish randy salacious satyric sensational sensatory sensitive sensorial sex sexed sexlike sexual sexy straight sybaritic temporal unchaste undersexed unspiritual venereal voluptuous wanton worldly |