Dictionary 1. ( n.) Covered or affected with scurf or scabs; scabby; scurfy; specifically, diseased with the scurvy. 2. (n.) Vile; mean; low; vulgar; contemptible. 3. (n.) A disease characterized by livid spots, especially about the thighs and legs, due to extravasation of blood, and by spongy gums, and bleeding from almost all the mucous membranes. It is accompanied by paleness, languor, depression, and general debility. It is occasioned by confinement, innutritious food, and hard labor, but especially by lack of fresh vegetable food, or confinement for a long time to a limited range of food, which is incapable of repairing the waste of the system. It was formerly prevalent among sailors and soldiers.
Thesaurus Lombardy leprosy abject abominable anemia ariboflavinosis arrant atrocious awful bad base base-minded beastly beggarly beneath contempt beriberi blameworthy brutal cachexia cheap cheesy chlorosis common contemptible crummy debased deficiency anemia degraded deplorable depraved dermatitis despicable detestable dire dirty disgusting dishonorable dreadful egregious enormous execrable fetid filthy flagrant foul fulsome gaudy gimcracky goiter grave greensickness grievous gross hateful heinous horrible horrid ignoble infamous keratomalacia kwashiorkor lamentable little loathsome lousy low low-down low-minded lumpen maidism malnutrition mangy mean measly meretricious miserable monstrous nasty nefarious night blindness noisome notorious obnoxious odious offensive osteomalacia osteoporosis outrageous paltry pathetic pellagra pernicious anemia petty pitiable pitiful poky poor protein deficiency rachitis rank regrettable reprehensible reptilian repulsive rickets rotten rubbishy sad scabby scandalous schlock scrubby scruffy scummy scuzzy shabby shameful shocking shoddy small sordid sorry squalid struma terrible too bad trashy trumpery two-for-a-cent two-for-a-penny twopenny twopenny-halfpenny unclean unmentionable valueless vile villainous vitamin deficiency woeful worst worthless wretched xerophthalmia |