Dictionary ( n.) A constitutional disease, generally hereditary, especially manifested by chronic enlargement and cheesy degeneration of the lymphatic glands, particularly those of the neck, and marked by a tendency to the development of chronic intractable inflammations of the skin, mucous membrane, bones, joints, and other parts, and by a diminution in the power of resistance to disease or injury and the capacity for recovery. Scrofula is now generally held to be tuberculous in character, and may develop into general or local tuberculosis (consumption). Thesaurus Sanforizing TB ablation active use aerogenic tuberculosis appetite appliance application atrophy attenuation attrition bloodbath blue ruin breakup cannibalism carnage carnivorism carnivority carnivorousness cerebral tuberculosis chewing colliquation corrosion cropping damnation decimation decrease decrement deglutition deliquescence depletion depreciation depredation desolation despoilment despoliation destruction devastation devouring devourment dieting dining disintegration disorganization disruption disseminated tuberculosis dissipation dissolution drain drying drying up eating emaceration emaciation employ employment epulation erosion evaporation exercise exertion exhaustion expenditure feasting feeding gluttony gobbling good use grazing hard usage hard use havoc hecatomb herbivorism herbivority herbivorousness holocaust hunger ill use impoverishment ingestion leakage licking loss lupus vulgaris manducation marcescence mastication messing misuse munching nibbling nutrition omnivorism omnivorousness omophagy pantophagy parching pasture pasturing pecking perdition phthisis preshrinkage pulmonary tuberculosis ravage regalement relishing rough usage ruin ruination rumination savoring scrofula scrofuloderma searing shambles shrinkage shrinking shriveling slaughter spoliation tasting thinning tuberculosis tuberculosis cutis tuberculosis luposa tuberculous meningitis undoing usage use using using up vandalism vegetarianism wastage waste wasting wear and tear wearing wearing away white plague wilting withering wolfing wrack wrack and ruin wreck wrong use |