Dictionary 1. ( n.) A small bag; a wallet; a satchel. 2. (n.) A small writing, certificate, or schedule; a piece of paper containing a writing. 3. (n.) A preliminary certificate of a subscription to the capital of a bank, railroad, or other company, or for a share of other joint property, or a loan, stating the amount of the subscription and the date of the payment of the installments; as, insurance scrip, consol scrip, etc. When all the installments are paid, the scrip is exchanged for a bond share certificate. 4. (n.) Paper fractional currency.
Thesaurus Federal Reserve note and pence article assignat autograph baggage check bank note bill blank brainchild cash check chirograph circulating medium coinage coined liberty cold cash composition computer printout copy counter coupon currency docket document dollar bill dollars dossier draft edited version emergency money engrossment essay fair copy fiat money fiction file filthy lucre final draft finished version first draft flimsy form fractional currency fractional note gold government note hard cash hard currency hat check holograph instrument legal document legal instrument legal paper legal tender legal-tender note letter literae scriptae literary artefact literary production literature lucre lucubration mammon managed currency manuscript matter medium of exchange mintage money national bank note necessity money negotiable note nonfiction note official document opus original paper paper money papers parchment pelf penscript personal file piece piece of writing play poem postage currency postal currency pounds printed matter printout production reading matter recension roll screed script scrive scroll second draft shillings shinplaster silver slug soft currency specie sterling tag the almighty dollar the wherewith the wherewithal the written word ticket token transcript transcription treasury note typescript version work writ writing |