Dictionary 1. ( n.) That at which one aims; the thing or end to which the mind directs its view; that which is purposed to be reached or accomplished; hence, ultimate design, aim, or purpose; intention; drift; object. 2. (n.) Room or opportunity for free outlook or aim; space for action; amplitude of opportunity; free course or vent; liberty; range of view, intent, or action. 3. (n.) Extended area. 4. (n.) Length; extent; sweep; as, scope of cable. 5. (v. t.) To look at for the purpose of evaluation; usually with out; as, to scope out the area as a camping site. 6. (n.) A combining form usually signifying an instrument for viewing (with the eye) or observing (in any way); as in microscope, telescope, altoscope, anemoscope.
Thesaurus a leg up actionability affective meaning ambit amount ample scope amplitude applicability area bearing bigness binoculars blank check body breadth bulk caliber capacity carry carte blanche chance chromatoscope clear sight clear stage clearance color vision coloring command compass comprehensiveness cone vision connotation consequence constitutional validity constitutionalism constitutionality coverage cut day vision daylight vision degree denotation depth diameter diapason dimension dimensions discernment domination drift due process effect elbowroom essence expanse expansion extension extent eye eye-mindedness eyereach eyeshot eyesight fair field fair game farsight farsightedness field field glass field of view field of vision force free course free hand free play free scope freedom full scope full swing fullness gamut gauge girth gist glass grade grammatical meaning greatness height horizon idea impact implication import intension interval jurisdiction justice justiciability kaleidoscope keen sight ken largeness latitude lawfulness leap leeway legal form legal process legalism legality legitimacy legitimateness length level lexical meaning liberty licitness limit of vision line of sight literal meaning long rope magnitude maneuvering space margin mark mass meaning measure measurement naked eye night vision no holds barred notch nuance occasion open space opening opera glasses opportunism opportunity orbit oscilloscope outlook outlook over overtone pas peg perception period peripheral field peripheral vision periscope perspective perspicacity perspicuity pertinence photopia pitch pith place plane plateau play point power of sight practical consequence proportion proportions prospect purport purview quick sight radius range range of meaning ratio reach real meaning reference referent register relation relevance remove rightfulness rod vision room rope round rung scale scan scope of vision scotopia sea room seeing semantic cluster semantic field sense sense of sight shade shadow sight sightedness sightliness significance signification significatum signifie size space span span of meaning spectroscope spectrum sphere spirit spread spy glass stair standard step stepping-stone stereoscope stint stretch structural meaning substance sum sum and substance survey sweep swing symbolic meaning telescope tenor terrestrial telescope time tolerance totality of associations transferred meaning tread twilight vision unadorned meaning undertone unobstructed vision validity value view vision vista visual acuity visual field |