Dictionary 1. ( n.) Originally, a small, sharp-built vessel, with two masts and fore-and-aft rig. Sometimes it carried square topsails on one or both masts and was called a topsail schooner. About 1840, longer vessels with three masts, fore-and-aft rigged, came into use, and since that time vessels with four masts and even with six masts, so rigged, are built. Schooners with more than two masts are designated three-masted schooners, four-masted schooners, etc. 2. (n.) A large goblet or drinking glass, -- used for lager beer or ale.
Thesaurus Friday Friday the thirteenth Old Mug alveolation alveolus antrum appointed lot arch armpit astral influences astrology bail barrow basin bays beaker blackjack bleed book of fate boundary stone bowl brass bucket bust cairn cave cave in cavity cenotaph chalice chaplet civic crown coffee cup column concave concavity constellation crater cromlech cross crown crypt cyclolith decant depression destination destiny dies funestis dip dish dish out dish up dolmen doom eggcup end fatality fate fold follicle footstone foredoom fork fortune funnel chest future garland give a transfusion glass goblet grave gravestone headstone highball glass hoarstone hole hollow hollow out hollow shell horn ides of March incurve inevitability inscription jigger kismet lacuna ladle laurel laurels leech let blood lot loving cup marker mausoleum megalith memento memorial memorial arch memorial column memorial statue memorial stone menhir moira monolith monument mound mug necrology noggin obelisk obituary palm palms perfuse phlebotomize pillar pit planets plaque pocket pony portion pot pour prize punch bowl pyramid reliquary remembrance retire retreat ribbon rostral column schooner schooper scoop shaft shell shot glass shovel shrine sink sinus socket spade spoon stars stein stela stone stupa tablet tankard tassie teacup testimonial tomb tombstone tope transfuse trophy trough tumbler unlucky day vug weird wheel of fortune will of Heaven wineglass wreath |