1. (v. t.) To perceive by the olfactory organs; to smell; as, to scent game, as a hound does.

2. (v. t.) To imbue or fill with odor; to perfume.

3. (v. i.) To have a smell.

4. (v. i.) To hunt animals by means of the sense of smell.

5. (n.) That which, issuing from a body, affects the olfactory organs of animals; odor; smell; as, the scent of an orange, or of a rose; the scent of musk.

6. (n.) Specifically, the odor left by an animal on the ground in passing over it; as, dogs find or lose the scent; hence, course of pursuit; track of discovery.

7. (n.) The power of smelling; the sense of smell; as, a hound of nice scent; to divert the scent.

ambergris ambrosia aroma aromatic aromatic gum aromatic water aromatize attar attar of roses balm balm of Gilead balminess balsam bay oil be warm bergamot oil bouquet breath breathe breathe in broad hint burn catchword cense champaca oil civet clue condensation trail contrail course cue cue word definite odor detect detectable odor determine discern distinguish effluvium emanation embalm essence essential oil evidence exhalation extract find out fixative flavor fragrance fragrancy fruitiness fume fumigate gentle hint gesture get wind of glimmer glimmering heliotrope hint hot lead implication incense index indication inhale inkling innuendo insinuation intimation jasmine oil key key word kick lavender oil lead learn about line look musk muskiness myrcia oil myrrh nod nose nose out nosegay nudge odor odorize olfaction olfactory sense parfum path perceive perfume perfumery piste prompt recognize redolence rose oil savor sense sense of smell sign signal signs smell smell of smell out smelling sniff sniff out snuff snuffle spice spiciness spoor stench subtle odor suggestion suspicion sweet savor sweet smell symptom telltale thurify tip-off trace traces track trail vapor trail vestige volatile oil wake whiff whisper wink


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