ability absorb acuity acuteness address adeptness adroitness airmanship appreciate apprehend apprehension aptitude aptness artfulness artisanship artistry assimilate astute be acquainted with be apprised of be aware of be cognizant of be conscious of be conversant with be informed be with one braininess bravura brightness brilliance cagey capability capacity catch catch on clairvoyance clear thinking cleverness cognize command competence comprehend comprehension conceive conception conceptualization conceptualize control coordination craft craftsmanship cunning deftness dexterity dexterousness dextrousness dig digest diplomacy discern efficiency esprit expertise facility fathom finesse flair follow foreknowledge genius get get hold of get the drift get the idea get the picture giftedness gifts grace grasp grip handiness have have information about have it taped have knowledge of heady horsemanship ideation ingeniousness ingenuity intellection intelligence keen-wittedness keenness ken know know-how learn make out marksmanship master mastership mastery mental alertness mental grasp mercurial mind native cleverness nimble mind nimble-wittedness nimbleness nous perceive perspicacious possess practical ability precognition prehend prehension proficiency prowess quick parts quick thinking quick wit quick-wittedness quickness read readiness ready wit realize recognize resource resourcefulness sagacious savoir-faire seamanship see seize seize the meaning sense sharp-wittedness sharpness skill skillfulness smartness smarts sprightly wit style tact tactfulness take take in talent technical brilliance technical mastery technical skill technique timing understand understanding virtuosity wisdom wit wizardry workmanship wot wot of

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