1. (n.) An extent of canvas or other fabric by means of which the wind is made serviceable as a power for propelling vessels through the water.

2. (n.) Anything resembling a sail, or regarded as a sail.

3. (n.) A wing; a van.

4. (n.) The extended surface of the arm of a windmill.

5. (n.) A sailing vessel; a vessel of any kind; a craft.

6. (n.) A passage by a sailing vessel; a journey or excursion upon the water.

7. (n.) To be impelled or driven forward by the action of wind upon sails, as a ship on water; to be impelled on a body of water by the action of steam or other power.

8. (n.) To move through or on the water; to swim, as a fish or a water fowl.

9. (n.) To be conveyed in a vessel on water; to pass by water; as, they sailed from London to Canton.

10. (n.) To set sail; to begin a voyage.

11. (n.) To move smoothly through the air; to glide through the air without apparent exertion, as a bird.

12. (v. t.) To pass or move upon, as in a ship, by means of sails; hence, to move or journey upon (the water) by means of steam or other force.

13. (v. t.) To fly through; to glide or move smoothly through.

14. (v. t.) To direct or manage the motion of, as a vessel; as, to sail one's own ship.

aeroplane airlift airplane balloon balloon sail batten be airborne be effortless be painless boat boltrope breeze canoe canvas carry sail circumnavigate clew cloth coast course cringle cross crossing crowd of sail cruise dart drift earing embark ferry fleet flit float flow fly fly-by-night flying kites foot fore gaff-topsail fore topgallant sail fore-and-aft sail fore-skysail fore-topmast staysail fore-topsail foreroyal foresail forestaysail galley get under way ghost give no trouble glide glissade go by ship go easily go like clockwork go off soundings go on shipboard go to sea have way upon head hop hover hydroplane ice-skate jenny jet jib jigger leech leg leg-of-mutton sail loose-footed sail luff lug main gaff-topsail main royal main skysail main-royal staysail main-topsail mainsail make a passage mizzen mizzen skysail mizzen staysail mizzen-royal staysail mizzen-topgallant sail moonraker moonsail motorboat muslin navigate ocean trip parachute spinnaker passage pilot plain sail plane plow the deep ply present no difficulties press of sail push off put off put to sea rag reduced sail reef reef point reefed sail ride ride the sea roll roller-skate row royal run run smoothly sail away sail round sail the sea sailboat sailing boat sailing cruiser sailing ship sailing vessel sailplane scud scull sea trip seafare seaplane set sail shakedown cruise shoot shove off sideslip skate skateboard ski skid skim skyscraper sled sleigh slide slip slither soar spanker spinnaker spitfire square sail staysail steam steamboat steer stern staysail storm trysail sweep take a voyage take the air take wing tall ship toboggan topsail traverse trysail volplane voyage waft walk the waters windboat windjammer windship wing work well yacht


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