1. (superl.) Free from harm, injury, or risk; untouched or unthreatened by danger or injury; unharmed; unhurt; secure; whole; as, safe from disease; safe from storms; safe from foes.

2. (superl.) Conferring safety; securing from harm; not exposing to danger; confining securely; to be relied upon; not dangerous; as, a safe harbor; a safe bridge, etc.

3. (superl.) Incapable of doing harm; no longer dangerous; in secure care or custody; as, the prisoner is safe.

4. (n.) A place for keeping things in safety.

5. (n.) A strong and fireproof receptacle (as a movable chest of steel, etc., or a closet or vault of brickwork) for containing money, valuable papers, or the like.

6. (n.) A ventilated or refrigerated chest or closet for securing provisions from noxious animals or insects.

7. (v. t.) To render safe; to make right.

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