Dictionary ( n.) A labiate shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis) with narrow grayish leaves, growing native in the southern part of France, Spain, and Italy, also in Asia Minor and in China. It has a fragrant smell, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. It is used in cookery, perfumery, etc., and is an emblem of fidelity or constancy. Thesaurus Cretan dittany algae angelica autophyte balm balsam basil bean belladonna boneset borage bracken brown algae burning bush calendula caraway cardamom castor-oil plant chervil chicory climber clover conferva confervoid coriander creeper deadly nightshade death camas diatom dill dittany drops drug electuary elixir ethical drug fennel fern feverroot figwort fruits and vegetables fucus fungus gas plant generic name ginseng grapevine green algae gulfweed hemp henbane herbs heterophyte horehound hyssop inhalant ivy kelp legume lentil liana lichen lincture linctus liverwort mandrake marijuana marjoram materia medica mayapple medicament medication medicinal medicinal herbs medicine mint mixture mold monkshood moss mullein mushroom mustard nonprescription drug officinal oregano origanum parasite parasitic plant parsley patent medicine pea peppermint perthophyte pharmacon physic phytoplankton planktonic algae plant families powder preparation prescription drug proprietary proprietary medicine proprietary name puffball pulse red algae rockweed rosemary rue rust sage saprophyte sargasso sargassum savory sea lentil sea moss sea wrack seaweed simples smut sorrel spearmint succulent sweet woodruff syrup tansy tarragon theraputant thyme tisane toadstool tobacco vegetable remedies vetch vine wort wrack |