1. (n.) Mist; fog. See Roke.

2. (v. i.) To squat; to ruck.

3. (n.) One of the four pieces placed on the corner squares of the board; a castle.

4. (n.) A European bird (Corvus frugilegus) resembling the crow, but smaller. It is black, with purple and violet reflections. The base of the beak and the region around it are covered with a rough, scabrous skin, which in old birds is whitish. It is gregarious in its habits. The name is also applied to related Asiatic species.

5. (n.) A trickish, rapacious fellow; a cheat; a sharper.

6. (v. t. & i.) To cheat; to defraud by cheating.

beat beguile of bilk bishop bleed bunco burn castle cheat chessman chisel chouse chouse out of cog cog the dice con cozen crib defraud diddle do in do out of euchre finagle flam fleece flimflam fob fudge gouge gull gyp have hocus hocus-pocus king knight man milk mulct pack the deal pawn piece pigeon practice fraud upon queen scam screw sell gold bricks shave shortchange stack the cards stick sting sweat swindle take a dive thimblerig throw a fight victimize


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