Dictionary 1. ( n.) An outer garment; a dress of a rich, flowing, and elegant style or make; hence, a dress of state, rank, office, or the like. 2. (n.) A skin of an animal, especially, a skin of the bison, dressed with the fur on, and used as a wrap. 3. (v. t.) To invest with a robe or robes; to dress; to array; as, fields robed with green.
Thesaurus afghan apparel appurtenances array attire bathrobe bed linen bedclothes bedcover bedding bedeck bedrape bedsheet bedspread blanket buffalo robe bundle up caftan case cassock cloak clothe clothes clothing comfort comforter contour sheet costume counterpane cover coverlet coverlid deck dight drape dress dud duds eiderdown enclothe endue enrobe enshroud envelop enwrap equipage finery fitted sheet frock garb garment garments gear gown habilitate habit housecoat invest kimono lap lap robe linen livery lounging robe mantle muffle up muu-muu outfit panoply paraphernalia patchwork quilt pillow slip pillowcase quilt rag rag out raiment regalia rig robes rug sheathe sheet sheeting shroud slip spread surplice swaddle swathe tire togs trappings uniform vestment vestments vesture wrap wrap up wrapper |