Dictionary 1. ( n.) A system founded upon a ritual or prescribed form of religious worship; adherence to, or observance of, a ritual. 2. (n.) Specifically :(a) The principles and practices of those in the Church of England, who in the development of the Oxford movement, so-called, have insisted upon a return to the use in church services of the symbolic ornaments (altar cloths, encharistic vestments, candles, etc.) that were sanctioned in the second year of Edward VI., and never, as they maintain, forbidden by competent authority, although generally disused. Schaff-Herzog Encyc. (b) Also, the principles and practices of those in the Protestant Episcopal Church who sympathize with this party in the Church of England.
Thesaurus Sabbatarianism agape asperges aspersion auricular confession baccalaureate service bacchanal bacchanalia bacchanalian banquet bar mitzvah bas mitzvah bat bender binge bout bust carousal carouse ceremonial ceremonialism ceremony circumcision commemoration commencement compotation confession confirmation convocation cult cultism cultus debauch drinking bout drunk drunken carousal elation empty formality escapade exercise exercises exultation feast festivity fete fling formal formalism formality frolic function gala graduation graduation exercises guzzle hallowing high celebration hoopla inaugural inauguration incense initiation invocation invocation of saints jag joyance jubilance jubilation jubilee kiss of peace lark lesser litany litany liturgics liturgiology liturgism liturgy love feast lustration mad round memorialization merriment merrymaking mummery observance observation office orgy party pax performance ploy potation praising processional pub-crawl randan randy raucous happiness reciting the rosary regale regalement rejoicing religious ceremony revel revelment revelry rite rite de passage rite of passage ritual ritualism rituality ritualization round of pleasures sabbatism sacramentalism sacramentarianism sanctification service show of joy solemn observance solemnity solemnization spree symbolics symbolism symposium tear telling of beads the confessional the confessionary toot treat triumph wassail whoopee wingding |