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Bircher Bourbon Colonel Blimp Epistle side Methuselah Tory antagonistic antediluvian antipathetic antiphonal antique atavistic back number bellyacher bitter-ender blimp breakaway clashing clockwise complainant complainer conflicting conservatist conservative contradicting contradictory counteractant counteracting counteractive countervailing counterworking crab crank cranky croaker crotchety dad decanal side dexter dextral dextrocardial dextrocerebral dextrocular dextrogyrate dextrogyratory dextropedal dextrorotary dextrorse die-hard diehard dissident dodo elder extreme right-winger faultfinder fogy fogyish fossil frondeur fud fuddy-duddy granny griper grouch grouser growler grumbler hard hat has-been hostile imperialist inimical intransigent kicker kvetch longhair malcontent matriarch mid-Victorian monarchist mossback murmurer mutterer nonconformist nonprogressive off old believer old crock old dodo old fogy old liner old man old poop old woman old-line old-timer opposing oppositional oppugnant orthodox patriarch perverse pop pops querulous person radical right reacting reactionarist reactionist reactive rebel recalcitrant recessive recidivist recidivous recto reflex reflexive refluent regressive regular old fogy relic renitent repugnant resistant respondent responding responsive retroactionary retroactive retrocessive retrograde retrogressive retrorse retroverse returnable reversible reversional reversionary revertible revolutionary revulsionary revulsive right right field right hand right of center right side right wing right-hand right-wing right-winger right-wingish rightist royalist social Darwinist sorehead square standpat standpatter starboard starboard tack starets tory traditionalist traditionalistic ultraconservative unprogressive whiner white


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