◄ Restrain ►

1. (v. t.) To draw back again; to hold back from acting, proceeding, or advancing, either by physical or moral force, or by any interposing obstacle; to repress or suppress; to keep down; to curb.

2. (v. t.) To draw back tightly, as a rein.

3. (v. t.) To hinder from unlimited enjoinment; to abridge.

4. (v. t.) To limit; to confine; to restrict.

5. (v. t.) To withhold; to forbear.

abate adjust to allay alleviate alter anchor arrest assuage attemper bank the fire bar bind bit block blunt bottle up bound box in box up bridle cage cause cause to chain chasten check circumscribe cloister coarct collect compel condition confine constrain contain control cool cool off coop coop in coop up copyright cork up countercheck crib crimp curb curtail dam up damp dampen de-emphasize deaden debar decelerate delay detain diminish discipline dompt downplay draw the line drive dull encage enchain enclose enforce enjoin entrammel extenuate fasten fence in fetter forbear force gag govern guard gyve hamper handcuff handicap have hedge hedge about hem in hinder hobble hog-tie hold hold at bay hold back hold down hold fast hold in hold in check hold in custody hold in leash hold in restraint hold up hopple immure impede impel impound imprison incarcerate inhibit intercept interfere interfere with intermeddle interrupt intervene keep keep back keep from keep in keep in check keep in custody keep in detention keep under control keep within bounds lash lay lay under restraint leash leaven lenify lessen lighten limit lock up make make fast manacle meddle mew mew up mitigate moderate modify modulate moor muzzle narrow obstruct obtund oppose palliate patent peg down pen pen up picket pin down pinion play down pound prevent prohibit pull pull in purify put in irons qualify rail in reduce reduce the temperature refrain register regulate regulate by rein rein in repress resist restrict retard retrench rope scant scotch seal up season secure set back set conditions set limits shackle shut in shut up simmer down simplify slacken slow down smother snub sober sober down soften specialize stifle stint stop straiten straitjacket strap subdue suppress tame temper tether tie tie down tie up tone down trammel tune down underplay use force upon wall in weaken withhold


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