◄ Republic ►

1. (a.) Common weal.

2. (n.) A state in which the sovereign power resides in the whole body of the people, and is exercised by representatives elected by them; a commonwealth. Cf. Democracy, 2.

absolute monarchy ally archduchy archdukedom aristocracy autarchy autocracy autonomy body politic buffer state captive nation chieftaincy chieftainry city-state coalition government colonialism colony commonweal commonwealth constitutional government constitutional monarchy country county democracy dictatorship domain dominion dominion rule duarchy duchy dukedom duumvirate dyarchy earldom empery empire federal government federation feudal system free city garrison state gerontocracy grand duchy heteronomy hierarchy hierocracy home rule kingdom land limited monarchy mandant mandate mandated territory mandatee mandatory martial law meritocracy militarism military government mob rule mobocracy monarchy nation nationality neocolonialism ochlocracy oligarchy pantisocracy patriarchate patriarchy police state polis polity possession power principality principate protectorate province puppet government puppet regime pure democracy realm regency representative democracy representative government satellite self-determination self-government seneschalty settlement social democracy sovereign nation state stratocracy sultanate superpower technocracy territory thearchy theocracy toparchia toparchy totalitarian government totalitarian regime triarchy triumvirate tyranny welfare state


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