Dictionary 1. (n. pl.) The kidneys; also, the region of the kidneys; the loins.2. (n. pl.) The inward impulses; the affections and passions; -- so called because formerly supposed to have their seat in the part of the body where the kidneys are. Thesaurus Oregon boat back band backstrap bearing rein bellyband bilbo bit blinders blinds bond bonds breeching bridle camisole caparison cavesson chains checkrein cheekpiece chinband cinch collar crownband crupper cuffs curb fetter gag gag swivel girth gyves hackamore halter hames hametugs hamper handcuffs harness headgear headstall helm hip straps hobbles hopples irons jaquima jerk line leading strings leash lines manacle martingale muzzle noseband pillory pole strap reins of government restraint restraints ribbons rudder saddle shackle shaft tug side check snaffle stocks straightjacket strait-waistcoat straitjacket stranglehold surcingle tack tackle tether tiller trammel trammels trappings tug wheel winker braces yoke |