Dictionary 1. ( n.) One who, or that which, regenerates. 2. (n.) A device used in connection with hot-air engines, gas-burning furnaces, etc., in which the incoming air or gas is heated by being brought into contact with masses of iron, brick, etc., which have been previously heated by the outgoing, or escaping, hot air or gas.
Thesaurus actuator adjunct air amplifier anode appurtenance aspect atom atomic particles base brute matter building block capacitator cathode chemical element circumstance clock constituent contents contingent control relay control resistor converter cross section detachment detail division dole earth effector electrode element elementary elementary particle elementary unit factor feature feedback amplifier filament fire fixings formative fraction fundamental particle generator grid hyle hypostasis inductor ingredient installment integral integrant item magnetic relay makings material material world materiality matter meter relay modulator molecule monad natural world nature oscillator parcel part part and parcel particular percentage photocathode physical world plate plenum portion pressure transducer quadrant quarter quota random sample reactor regenerator relay reluctance amplifier remainder resistor sample sampling section sector segment servo amplifier share specialty stuff subdivision subgroup subspecies substance substratum the four elements thermal timing relay transducer transmitter trigatron unit of being water |