Dictionary 1. ( v. t.) To make or set right; to correct\ from a wrong, erroneous, or false state; to amend; as, to rectify errors, mistakes, or abuses; to rectify the will, the judgment, opinions; to rectify disorders. 2. (v. t.) To refine or purify by repeated distillation or sublimation, by which the fine parts of a substance are separated from the grosser; as, to rectify spirit of wine. 3. (v. t.) To produce (as factitious gin or brandy) by redistilling low wines or ardent spirits (whisky, rum, etc.), flavoring substances, etc., being added.
Thesaurus accommodate accommodate with accord adapt adapt to adjust adjust to agree with ameliorate amend assimilate assimilate to atone attune be guided by bend blue-pencil bolt chime in with clarify clear compensate comply comply with compose conform coordinate correct correspond cover cure cut to decrassify depurate discipline disentangle distill do penance edit edulcorate elute emend emendate equalize essentialize expiate extend extract fall in with fill up filter filtrate fit fix flatten follow gear to give and take give satisfaction go by harmonize homologate homologize improve indemnify key to leach lixiviate make all square make amends make compensation make conform make good make plumb make right make uniform make up for measure meet mend mold observe pay back pay reparations percolate proportion purify put in tune put right put straight put to rights rebuild recense recompense reconcile redact redraft redress refine regulate remedy remunerate repair repay requite retaliate revamp revise rework rewrite right rub off corners screen separate set set right set straight set to rights set up settle shape sieve sift similarize sit up smooth spiritualize square stand up straighten straighten out straighten up strain sublimate sublime suit sync synchronize tailor tally with trim to TRUE true up try tune unbend uncurl unkink unsnarl winnow work over yield |