Dictionary 1. ( n.) Cream; also, the cream or froth on ale. 2. (v. i.) To cream; to mantle. 3. (v. t.) To stretch out; to draw out into thongs, threads, or filaments. 4. (n.) A bundle, package, or quantity of paper, usually consisting of twenty quires or 480 sheets. 5. (v. t.) To bevel out, as the mouth of a hole in wood or metal; in modern usage, to enlarge or dress out, as a hole, with a reamer.
Thesaurus auger bawl out beat bilk bite bore broach bugger cardboard chew chew ass chew out chisel countersink cozen cuss out diddle do drill empierce fellate fix give a going-over give hail Columbia give hell give the deuce give what-for gobs gore gouge gouge out gyp heap hole honeycomb impale jack up lambaste lance leaf loads mace masturbate needle oodles open up page paper penetrate perforate pierce pink prick punch puncture quantities quire ream ass ream out riddle run through screw sheet sit on skewer slew sodomize spear spike spit stab stationery stick tap transfix transpierce trepan trephine wads |