Dictionary 1. ( v. t.) To cut a rabbet in; to furnish with a rabbet. 2. (v. t.) To unite the edges of, as boards, etc., in a rabbet joint. 3. (n.) A longitudinal channel, groove, or recess cut out of the edge or face of any body; especially, one intended to receive another member, so as to break or cover the joint, or more easily to hold the members in place; thus, the groove cut for a panel, for a pane of glass, or for a door, is a rabbet, or rebate. 4. (n.) Same as Rabbet joint, below.
Thesaurus ankle articulate articulation batten batten down bezel bolt boundary buckle butt button canal canalize carve cervix chamfer channel chase chink chisel clasp cleat clinch clip closure connecting link connecting rod connection corrugate corrugation coupling crack cranny crimp cut dado dike ditch dovetail elbow embrace engrave engraving flute fluting furrow gash gliding joint goffer gouge groove gully hasp hinge hinged joint hip hitch hook incise incision interface jam join joining joint juncture knee knuckle latch link lock microgroove miter mortise nail neck peg pin pivot pivot joint pleat plow rifle rifling rivet ruck rut scarf score scratch screw seam sew shoulder skewer slit snap staple stick stitch streak stria striate striation sulcation sulcus suture symphysis tack tie rod toggle toggle joint trench trough union wedge weld well-worn groove wrinkle wrist zipper |