Dictionary ( n.) An alkaloid extracted from the bark of several species of cinchona (esp. Cinchona Calisaya) as a bitter white crystalline substance, C20H24N2O2. Hence, by extension (Med.), any of the salts of this alkaloid, as the acetate, chloride, sulphate, etc., employed as a febrifuge or antiperiodic. Called also quinia, quinina, etc. Thesaurus Adrenalin Benzedrine Dexamyl Dexedrine KO Methedrine Mickey Finn aloes ammonium carbonate amphetamine amphetamine sulphate analgesic anesthetic anesthetize anoint antidepressant article article of commerce article of merchandise balm balsam bedaze belladonna benumb benzoin besot bismuth blunt caffeine chloroform chocolate cocaine cocoa coffee coldcock colocynth commodity cure cure-all deaden desensitize desoxyephedrine dextroamphetamine sulfate dope dose downer drops dull electuary elixir embrocate entrance ergot etherize ethical drug feature freeze generic name hallucinogenic herbs hop hypnotic hypnotize inhalant item kayo knock out knock senseless knock stiff knock unconscious knockout drop kola kola nut lay out lead item leader lincture linctus loss leader lull to sleep magnetize materia medica medicament medicate medication medicinal medicinal herbs medicine mesmerize methamphetamine hydrochloride mixture narcotic narcotize nonprescription drug numb obtund officinal oil opiate pain-killer palsy panacea paralyze patent medicine pharmaceutical pharmacon physic poison powder preparation prescription drug product proprietary proprietary medicine proprietary name psychedelic put to sleep put under quinine remedy rock to sleep sal ammoniac salve sassafras seconds sedate sedative simple simples sleeping pill soporific special specific standard article staple staple item stimulant strychnine stun stupefy syrup tea theraputant tisane trance tranquilizer treat treatment upper vegetable remedies vendible ware |