◄ Quietism ►

1. (n.) Peace or tranquility of mind; calmness; indifference; apathy; dispassion; indisturbance; inaction.

2. (n.) The system of the Quietists, who maintained that religion consists in the withdrawal of the mind from worldly interests and anxieties and its constant employment in the passive contemplation of God and his attributes.

Quakerism a wise passiveness acquiescence amenability ataraxia ataraxy blank mind blankmindedness blankness calm of mind calmness compliance composure contemplation contemplative life do-nothing policy do-nothingism do-nothingness dormancy emptiness of mind empty-headedness fallow mind fatuity foolishness humbleness humility idleness immobility imperturbability inaction inactivity inanity indolence inertia inertness laissez-aller laissez-faire laissez-faireism lucid stillness marmoreal repose meditation meekness mental blankness neutralism neutrality neutralness nirvana noninvolvement nonparticipation nonresistance nonviolence nonviolent resistance obedience oblivion pacifism paralysis passive resistance passive self-annihilation passiveness passivism passivity peace peacefulness placidity placidness policy procrastination quiescence quiescency quiet quietness quietude repose resignation rest restfulness satori serenity silence silken repose sleep slumber stagnancy stagnation standpattism stasis stillness submission submissiveness tabula rasa thoughtfreeness thoughtlessness tranquillity uncomplainingness unintelligence vacancy vacuity vegetation vita contemplativa waiting game watching and waiting wise passiveness


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