1. (
v. t.) To make such as is required\; to give added or requisite qualities to; to fit, as for a place, office, occupation, or character; to furnish with the knowledge, skill, or other accomplishment necessary for a purpose; to make capable, as of an employment or privilege; to supply with legal power or capacity.
2. (v. t.) To give individual quality to; to modulate; to vary; to regulate.
3. (v. t.) To reduce from a general, undefined, or comprehensive form, to particular or restricted form; to modify; to limit; to restrict; to restrain; as, to qualify a statement, claim, or proposition.
4. (v. t.) Hence, to soften; to abate; to diminish; to assuage; to reduce the strength of, as liquors.
5. (v. t.) To soothe; to cure; -- said of persons.
6. (v. i.) To be or become qualified; to be fit, as for an office or employment.
7. (v. i.) To obtain legal power or capacity by taking the oath, or complying with the forms required, on assuming an office.
abate accommodate adapt adjust adjust to alter ameliorate answer ascribe assign assuage attribute attune authorize avail be OK be blooded be equal to be successful bear better bound box box in box up break up capacitate catch on certify change check out circumscribe click come off condition confine connect contain convert copyright cramp deform denature diminish discipline distinguish diversify do do it do the job draw the line enable equip farewell fill the bill fit fit out fulfill furnish get by go go around go great guns go off go over go over big go to town graduate hack it have the qualifications hedge hedge about hem hem in hold improve impute individualize individuate just do keep from spreading keep within bounds leaven limit localize make a hit make reservations make the grade mark measure up meet meet requirements meet with success meliorate mitigate moderate modify modulate mutate narrow overthrow palliate pass pass muster patent predicate prepare prevail prosper put in trim put in tune re-create reach ready realign rebuild reconstruct redesign reduce refit reform register regulate by relate remake renew reshape restrain restrict restructure revamp revive ring the changes satisfy scant season serve serve the purpose set conditions set limits set terms shift the scene shuffle the cards signalize soften specialize specifically provide stand stand up stint stipulate stipulate for straiten stretch subvert succeed suffice suit take take it temper tighten tune turn the scale turn the tables turn the tide turn upside down vary work work a change work well work wonders worsen