Dictionary 1. ( n.) Leguminous plants, or their seeds, as beans, peas, etc. 2. (n.) The beating or throbbing of the heart or blood vessels, especially of the arteries. 3. (n.) Any measured or regular beat; any short, quick motion, regularly repeated, as of a medium in the transmission of light, sound, etc.; oscillation; vibration; pulsation; impulse; beat; movement. 4. (v. i.) To beat, as the arteries; to move in pulses or beats; to pulsate; to throb. 5. (v. t.) To drive by a pulsation; to cause to pulsate.
Thesaurus algae alternate arrhythmia arsis autophyte bar beat be here again bean beat beating bicker bout bracken brown algae circle circuit climber come again come and go come around come round come round again come up again conferva confervoid course creeper cycle dance diastole diatom downbeat drum drumming echo pulse fern flap flick flicker flip flit flitter flop flutter fruits and vegetables fucus fungus go pitapat grapevine green algae gulfweed gutter hammering heartbeat heartthrob herb heterophyte intermit ivy kelp legume lentil liana lichen liverwort mold moss mushroom offbeat oscillate palpitate palpitating palpitation pant parasite parasitic plant pea perthophyte phytoplankton pitapat pitter-patter planktonic algae plant families pounding puffball pulsate pulsating pulsation pulsing rat-a-tat rataplan reappear recur red algae reoccur repeat resonate return reverberating reverberation revolution revolve rhythm rockweed roll around rotate rotation round rust saprophyte sargasso sargassum sea lentil sea moss sea wrack seaweed series slat smut spell splutter sputter staccato succulent systole tempo thesis throb throbbing thrumming thumping tick ticktock toadstool trigger pulse turn undulate upbeat vetch vibrate vibrating vibration vine wave waver wheel wheel around wort wrack |