◄ Protectorate ►

1. (n.) Government by a protector; -- applied especially to the government of England by Oliver Cromwell.

2. (n.) The authority assumed by a superior power over an inferior or a dependent one, whereby the former protects the latter from invasion and shares in the management of its affairs.

aedileship ally archbishopric archduchy archdukedom archiepiscopacy archiepiscopate aristocracy bishopric body politic buffer state captive nation chairmanship chancellery chancellorate chancellorship chiefery chiefry chieftaincy chieftainry chieftainship city-state colony commonweal commonwealth consulate consulship country county deanery dictatorship dictature directorship domain dominion duchy dukedom earldom emirate empery empire episcopacy free city governorship grand duchy headship hegemony hierarchy kingdom land leadership lordship magistracy magistrateship magistrature mandant mandate mandated territory mandatee mandatory masterdom mastership mastery mayoralty mayorship metropolitanate metropolitanship nation nationality nobility papacy pashadom pashalic patriarchate patriarchy polis polity pontificality pontificate popedom popehood popeship possession power prefectship prefecture premiership presidency presidentship prime-ministership prime-ministry princedom princeship principality principate proconsulate proconsulship protectorship province provostry provostship puppet government puppet regime realm rectorate rectorship regency regentship republic ruling class satellite seigniory seneschalship seneschalsy seneschalty settlement sheikhdom sheriffalty sheriffcy sheriffdom shrievalty sovereign nation state sultanate superpower supervisorship suzerainship suzerainty territory toparchia toparchy tribunate vizierate viziership


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