Dictionary 1. ( v. t.) To follow or pursue with a view to reach, execute, or accomplish; to endeavor to obtain or complete; to carry on; to continue; as, to prosecute a scheme, hope, or claim. 2. (v. t.) To seek to obtain by legal process; as, to prosecute a right or a claim in a court of law. 3. (v. t.) To pursue with the intention of punishing; to accuse of some crime or breach of law, or to pursue for redress or punishment, before a legal tribunal; to proceed against judicially; as, to prosecute a man for trespass, or for a riot. 4. (v. i.) To follow after. 5. (v. i.) To institute and carry on a legal prosecution; as, to prosecute for public offenses.
Thesaurus abide by accuse adhere to administer arraign bring action against bring into court bring suit bring to justice bring to trial carry on carry out carry through charge chase chivy complete conduct continue discharge do dog drag into court effect effectuate employ enforce engage in execute exercise fill out follow follow through follow up fulfill give chase go after go in for go into litigation go on with go to law hollo after honor hound hunt implead implement indict law litigate make make after make out observe perform persist practice promulgate prosecute at law pursue put in force put in suit put on trial put through quest quest after raise the hunt render run after search see through seek seek in law seek justice seek out specialize in sue tackle take on take out after take to take to court take up transact try undertake use wage work at |