CRT spot DM display Doppler signal IF signal IM display Photostat RF echoes Xerox account afterglow afterimage annals aroma ascertain balance beam beat signal bit blaze blaze a trail blemish blips block in block out blotch bounces brand breath brief butt butt end candle ends cartoon cast catalog catch a likeness catchword chaff chalk chalk out chalk up character characterize charcoal chart check check off chronicle cicatrize clone clue color companion condensation trail contrail copy copy out correspondence course crayon crosshatch cue cue word dapple dash dash off daub dead ringer debris define definite odor delimit delineate demarcate depict design detect detectable odor determine detritus diagram discolor discover display ditto documentation dog doodle dot double double-dot display draft draw draw up drop dupe duplicate echo echo signal edit effigy effluvium emanation end enface engrave engross essence evidence exact likeness exhalation facsimile fag end fellow filings find find out flavor fleck follow follow a clue follow up footprints fossil fragrance freckle fume gash get gleam hatch hectograph hint history hit hit off holdover hot lead hunt down hunt up husks icon idea idol image impress imprint indication infusion inkling inscribe intimation invent inventory investigate iota jot key key word lead leavings leftovers letters lick likeness limn line list living image living picture local oscillator signal locate look make a mark make a recension make out manifold map mark mark off mark out match mate memento memorial microcopy microfilm mimeo mimeograph miniature mirroring model mottle multigraph nick nose nose out notate notch odds and ends odor offscourings orts outline output signal paint paint a picture parings path pen pencil pepper photograph picture picturize pipe roll pips piste point portrait portray prick print prints proof punch punctuate puncture pursue push the pen put in writing quadruplicate radar signal rags reading recense record recording rediscover redolence reduplicate reflection refuse register registry relic relics remainder remains remnant render replicate represent reproduce

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