◄ Primate ►

1. (n.) The chief ecclesiastic in a national church; one who presides over other bishops in a province; an archbishop.

2. (a.) One of the Primates.

Australanthropus Australopithecus Barbary ape Bronze Age man Cro-Magnon man Galley Hill man Gigantopithecus Grand Penitentiary Grimaldi man Heidelberg man Holy Father Hominidae Iron Age man Neanderthal man Oreopithecus Paranthropus Peking man Pithecanthropus Plesianthropus Rhodesian man Sinanthropus Stone Age man Swanscombe man Zinjanthropus aboriginal aborigine abuna amphibian ancient angwantibo antediluvian anthropoid anthropoid ape antipope ape ape-man aquatic archbishop archdeacon archpriest autochthon aye-aye baboon back-number behind the times biped bishop bishop coadjutor bushman canine cannibal canon capuchin cardinal cardinal bishop cardinal deacon cardinal priest carnivore cave dweller caveman chacma chaplain chimpanzee coadjutor cosmopolite curate dated dean diocesan drill ecclesiarch entellus eolithic man exarch feline fossil man gibbon gnawer gorilla guenon guereza hanuman has-been herbivore hierarch high priest hominid humanoid insectivore invertebrate langur lemur macaque mammal mammalian man man of old mandrill marmoset marsupial marsupialian metropolitan missing link mountain gorilla neolithic man old hat old-fashioned old-timey oldfangled omnivore orang orangutan out of fashion out of season out-of-date outdated outmoded papa patriarch penitentiary pontiff pope preadamite prebendary prehistoric man prehuman prelate primitive proboscis monkey protohuman quadruped rector reptile rhesus rodent ruminant rural dean saki scavenger styleless subdean suffragan troglodyte unfashionable ungulate varmint vermin vertebrate vicar


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